The Living Dead

It is currently June 2nd and I backdated this post because I am psychotic and am stringent on my "goals" for the year or something. What's interesting is how much I like to play by the rules but emotionally hate playing by the rules. Basically, I am comfortable with listening to authority/having rules but my… Continue reading The Living Dead

Wasting Away

Currently: Typing away at my desk to seem busy. Hm. Questionable. As my plan here was to socialize and connect with human beans. The consistent need/habit of comparing myself to others is the fucking worst. Why do I do this to myself? I like seeing my thoughts written out, everything I say seems to escape… Continue reading Wasting Away

Life is Pain

Words, blocks of our language that are foundations for understanding each other's feelings and thoughts. Recently I am "finally" riding the wave of change in continuing to challenge myself to face my fears, embrace the unknown and be vulnerable. First let me address the use of "finally," it implies that there is a specific timeline… Continue reading Life is Pain